30 April 2024:- Total 49,130 including living. Some more on this Massachusetts seaman from Ireland. I think I have him and family from 1881 to 1950 but cannot quite find his baptism around 1864.
29 April 2024:- Total 49,116 including living. A few more censuses for Ware in Georgia and one for Massachusetts tracked back to England.
28 April 2024:- Total 49,103 including living. Sunday Single Back Up. A number of new census sources added for Dowlings in Georgia. Sorted and organised a large batch of Irish postcards to be used for illustrations when out of copyright.
27 April 2024:- Total 49,100 including living. Small census entry. Distracted by non-genealogy today... and the fact that my glasses broke and I couldn't read the screen, it happens!
26 April 2024:- Total 49,196 including living. Good weather, so a gardening day.
25 April 2024:- Total 49,096 including living. Just a small addition today, census and Find a Grave. Another day where the time evaporated reading entries and not finding the right one.
24 April 2024:- Total 49,093 including living. Some more census entries for existing people in Georgia, USA. This is part of the lineage of A Dowling Family of the South, so all useful. Did some gardening and other non-genealogy... it has to get done!
23 April 2024:- Total 49,077 including living. Added one person and then merged them with and existing 'Placeholder' which is a good success in my research terms. A few sources for existing people in the process in Georgia, USA.
22 April 2024:- Total 49,077 including living. Not sure what happened to Monday! Ah yes, spent some time building a music 'playlist' for my wife's 70th birthday party with an 'on the beach' theme.
21 April 2024:- Total 49,077 including living. Sunday Single Back Up. Went to an antiques fair and found some documents with old engravings of Ireland. Did some research relating to correspondence on the 49'ers.
20 April 2024:- Total 49,077 including living. Mostly sources for existing people today, census problem solving and some home decoration.
19 April 2024:- Total 49,066 including living. Some US Census and graves today. Added a 'Notable' - Allen Dowling, a forester, planted 55 million trees!... well I am environmentalist and I think that's really notable. Tweaked the system to start to show 'National Origin' with some Online Repository Assistant work and updating some old records... it will take some time.
18 April 2024:- Total 49,054 including living. Today added some more 'frameworks' from Find a Grave for A Dowling Family of the South... I must do some gardening!
17 April 2024:- Total 48,995 including living. Some sources trying to establish a correspondent' in their line. This can be tricky as living people and recently deceased have little information in available databases. Even though some won't show online it helps me make sure I am on the right line. Some under the hood tweaking of website code to fix a layout issue - this take me a while as I work by trial and error rather than any expertise.
16 April 2024:- Total 48,990 including living. More sources for existing people, including back to East London and Georgia, USA for a new correspondence from this morning. Already a lot there but possibly some updating from someone in the branch. Another new correspondence in to for Kansas... very busy.
15 April 2024:- Total 48,971 including living. More sources for existing people in that London Islington area. A lot added and over 20 people too. These additions will help other research to as they are ready-made elimination for people with similar names.
14 April 2024:- Total 48,947 including living. Sunday Single Back Up. Busy morning and a light migraine all day but managed a few more sources for existing people.
13 April 2024:- Total 48,944 including living. More sources for existing people. Had first barbeque of the year in 20 degrees! Received a large batch of old Irish postcards to sort out.
12 April 2024:- Total 48,936 including living. Mostly sources for existing people in that East London branch and a lot of looking and not finding... us family historians should create a fancy word for that common activity!
11 April 2024:- Total 48,932 including living. Mostly sources for existing people in that East London branch.
10 April 2024:- Total 48,925 including living. Added some more on the London connection for St Luke's in Islington. I have found one family in all censuses except 1871... this happens... they may have not submitted a form or it has been misread under a very different spelling. I'll keep looking for a while. Tweaked the website person page to include a relationship to me calculator. Most will be unrelated.
9 April 2024:- Total 48,910 including living. Spent some of my time on some graphic work. I enjoy this a lot. The image will appear on the website eventually as most of my graphic work is genealogy focussed.
8 April 2024:- Total 48,910 including living. Mostly sources for existing people in London. Some e-mail replies and website tweaks.
7 April 2024:- Total 48,906 including living. Sunday Single Back Up. More on the London connection up to the 1939 Register and now going backwards again to pick up more details.
6 April 2024:- Total 48,896 including living. Busy out shopping at garden centres today... not my favourite pastime. Amazing, however tiring, how little exercise (steps) shopping actually is... had to still go for a walk to keep up my physio! Anyway added some London censuses later in the Towey connection.
5 April 2024:- Total 48,879 including living. As is always the way, new correspondence comes in before I finish the last (or even the few before that). I try to do something on all. New information on a London Dowling from my website, linked to Toohey/Towey etc.. I mentioned before how the Guild of One-Name Studies had featured my website, which was nice. The comments I get in are very positive. Now more to do! I could do this every waking moment and still not get to the end.
4 April 2024:- Total 48,863 including living. Mostly adding sources to existing people, then picking up some extended families on the same census pages... it is always good to look above and below your focus family.
3 April 2024:- Total 48,833 including living. Mostly adding sources to existing people, with one merge of individuals in New South Wales which makes sense of available data. Some Florida censuses added.
2 April 2024:- Total 48,830 including living. Complicated day. I was checking an error, where a correspondent sent me a birth where the father would have been aged 11 years old and ended up abstracting a number of marriages and births from New South Wales. Pretty much all the error dates I have found have been supplied to me rather than from my own mistakes, while I am not complacent and double check my entries. errors do prompt a good review years later.
1 April 2024:- Total 48,803 including living. Monthly Double Back Up. Decided to merge the Berkshire and Canadian David Dowling's to one individual. If I am honest, more by elimination of others than anything else. This should open up a dynasty for at least another 100 years backwards.
31 March 2024:- Total 48,784 including living. Sunday Single Back Up. One Wokingham puzzle still outstanding... where did David Dowling disappear to. My guess is Canada, with a similar aged David, but cannot find the information to tie them together.