Dowling Distribution in the United Kingdom in 1901

Numbers are taken from the 1901 census (to match the available Irish census). I have shown figures of one Dowling per thousand of population as this better shows distrubution. Raw numbers contain no context of the remaining population and, consequently, show a bias to where Dowlings are rather then where they figure most strongly. This translates into more Dowling's numerically in London but gives no clue as to origin. In this UK context I see point of origin as point of arrival. However, there is a possibility there may be some native UK Dowlings here. The Dowling per thousand approach shows wonderfully the bias towards the ports, in particular, Southampton the main staging point to the United States. The Hampshire bias may also point to a considerable number of Dowlings arriving in the UK as part of naval or military occupations. The big surprise, for me, is the large number of Dowling's in Berkshire... a mystery to investigate. (Note: this does not include variations on the name)

Distribution of Dowlings per Thousand of Population Across United Kingdom in 1901 from Census
The chart uses data transferred from the Find My Past 1901 census search and entered by hand into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. After some simple formulas this was then charted automatically in a map. The charting application is dreadful at converting the data of 1901 counties to present day counties and I (and other posters on-line) cannot even work out what some counties are called. I have done my best and this is probably about 90% accurate.

Click HERE to go to Ireland's distribution
Click HERE to go to the Canada's distribution
Click HERE to go to United States of America's distribution